
Dear Sir or Madam

There are currently reports of a case of fraud in connection with Seagate hard disks. If you have purchased Seagate hard disks from us and are unsure whether your devices are affected, please contact us immediately at kontakt@geniuzcom.at.

If you are affected by this, you will of course receive a free replacement of the hard disks.

We would like to emphasize that we have purchased our hard drives exclusively as new from certified Seagate distribution partners and had no knowledge of this case of fraud.

Lenovo Tab M10 (3rd Gen) ZAAG - Tablet - Android 11 oder höher - 64 GB eMMC - 25.7 cm (10.1")

  • SKU: 11101658
  • GTIN: 0196378578477
  • MFN: ZAAG0023SE
  • Category: Tablets
  • Manufacturer: Lenovo
Familien-Tablet mit brillantem 25,7 cm (10,1") FHD-Display und zwei Lautsprechern
Kontrollmöglichkeiten für Eltern und kinderfreundliche Funktionen mit Google Kids Space und Family Link
Inklusive Android 11-Betriebssystem und 3 Monate Amazon Music Unlimited kostenlos. Android 12 ab Herbst 2022 verfügbar.
Reibungsloses Video-Streaming bis zum Maximum für Mobilgeräte von 1.080p
Leicht und mobil mit Aluminiumgehäuse und zweifarbigem Design.
Item currently out of stock
  • Currently out of stock